Maurice Quinlivan
Limerick City
Limerick City TD and Chairperson of Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
A native of Ballynanty Beg, Maurice Quinlivan comes from a well-known Limerick family.
Educated at Hassett’s Cross CBS, St. Nessan’s Community College and the School of Professional and Management Studies (now TUS), graduating with a qualification in Industrial Engineering and Training, Maurice worked in the travel agency business for many years as a Manager in London and of Budget Travel in the Crescent Shopping Centre.
Maurice was first elected to Limerick City Council in 2009 and was re-elected in May 2014, topping the poll.
Elected to the Dáil in February 2016, he became the first Sinn Féin TD for Limerick City in 93 years. He retained his seat in the 2020 General Election, topping the poll.
He is the Chairperson of the influential Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment. His work in Leinster House has primarily focused on advocating for increased investment for Limerick for University Hospital Limerick, tackling drugs, more supports for addiction services, dealing with crime antisocial behaviour, for more social and affordable housing in Limerick.