CHange starts Locally

Change starts here - Tosaíonn athrú anseo
Change starts with the Local and European elections.
If you want change, vote Sinn Féin in the Local elections, in the European elections, and in the General Election when it comes.
Voting for Sinn Féin on Friday June 7th is the first step to getting this disastrous Fianna Fáil/Fine Gael government out of office.
Sinn Féin will stand up for communities in Local Councils, stand up for Ireland in Europe and stand up for you in the Dáil.
Tosaíonn an t-athrú anseo. Seo í an chéad chéim.
Change starts here. Vótáil Sinn Féin.
Change Starts Locally – Tosaíonn athrú go háitiúil
This year’s local and European Elections are taking place at a time when Ireland is facing many challenges – an ongoing housing crisis, a health service that is at breaking point and a cost-of-living crisis. These elections are an opportunity for people to have their say on the change they want to see.
We have a government that is out of touch, that doesn’t understand the challenges workers and families are facing, doesn’t have the ideas or the capacity to fix them, and doesn’t give our local Councils the resources and the funds to deliver for communities.
Change starts in your local community, with your local Sinn Féin councillor working hard for you to make sure your Council works better for you. Better delivery of social and affordable housing. Better delivery of local services and amenities. Better maintenance of our roads and making our streets safer.
Local Councils will be crucial to the delivering affordable homes for workers and families under a Sinn Féin led government. That is why a vote for Sinn Féin in the local elections on 7th June is a vote to start fixing the housing crisis.
Sinn Féin’s commitment to you is that we will make sure your voice in heard at local level. Politics works best when decisions are taken closest to those impacted and when the views of communities is heard.
Sinn Féin councillors will work hard for you. We will make it our business to ensure that your Council delivers for you.
- Putting the delivery of social and affordable housing back at the top of the Council agenda.
- Making your Council work better for you; consulting, listening, and delivering for the community.
- Tackling red tape and delays at local authority level, particularly in relation to planning and the delivery of housing and infrastructure.
- Getting local Councils back doing the things they once did well including the maintenance of roads, delivering local services – including waste services, cleaning our streets, and delivering and maintaining homes for which they are responsible.
- Supporting communities working hard to improve their local areas by investing in public spaces, leisure and sports facilities, transport infrastructure and the local environment.
Beidh Comhairlí áitiúla ríthábhachtach chun tithe inacmhainne a chur ar fáil do ghnáthoibrithe agus do theaghlaigh faoi rialtas faoi cheannas Shinn Féin. Sin an fáth gur vóta é vóta do Shinn Féin sa toghchán Áitiúil ar an 7 Meitheamh chun tús a chur leis an ngéarchéim tithíochta a réiteach. Más athrú atá uait, caithfidh tú vótáil ar a shon sna toghcháin Áitiúla agus Eorpacha.
Is é tiomantas Shinn Féin daoibh ná go ndéanfaimid cinnte de go gcloisfear do ghlór sa rialtas áitiúil. Is fearr a oibríonn an pholaitíocht nuair a dhéantar cinneadh is gaire dóibh siúd a bhfuil tionchar acu agus nuair a chloistear tuairimí an phobail.
Beidh comhairleoirí Shinn Féin ag obair go dian ar do shon. Déanfaimid cinnte de go soláthraíonn do chomhairle ar do shon.
Sinn Féin Local Election Candidates
Carlow County Council
Cavan County Council
Clare County Council
Cork City Council
Cork County Council
Donegal County Council
Dublin City Council


















Inner City North

Inner City North

Inner City North

Inner City South East

Inner City South East

Inner City South East

Inner City South West

Inner City South West

Inner City South West




South Dublin County Council




Firhouse/ Bohernabreena

Firhouse/ Bohernabreena



Palmerstown - Fonthill

Palmerstown - Fonthill

Palmerstown - Fonthill

Palmerstown - Fonthill



Tallaght Central

Tallaght Central

Tallaght Central

Tallaght Central

Tallaght South

Tallaght South

Tallaght South

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Fingal County Council
Galway City Council
Galway County Council
Kerry County Council
Kildare County Council
Kilkenny County Council
Laois County Council
Leitrim County Council
Limerick City & County Council
Longford County Council
Louth County Council
Mayo County Council
Meath County Council
Monaghan County Council
Offaly County Council
Roscommon County Council
Sligo County Council
Tipperary County Council
Waterford City & County Council







Tramore Waterford City West

Tramore Waterford City West

Tramore Waterford City West

Tramore Waterford City West

Waterford City East

Waterford City East

Waterford City South

Waterford City South

Waterford City South

Waterford City South


Waterford City East
Westmeath County Council
Wexford County Council
Wicklow County Council