Standing up for Ireland
Tom Cunningham
Louth County Council
Drogheda Rural
I was born and raised in Clogherhead and am a ceiling fixer by trade. I was also a member of the Clogherhead R.N.L.I. serving as a crew member of the Clogherhead lifeboat for many years.
As a father I recognise the importance of sports and youth facilities and will continue to campaign for more. I am a former player with the Dreadnots GFC and was a coach for underage teams.
First elected in 2014, I have been dealing with a range of on-going issues from traffic management, County Development Plan, planning issues, Town Centre First (Clogherhead), Drogheda Joint Local Area Plan, road maintenance, coastal erosion and more.
Lately, I have been working with our spokesperson on fisheries Pádraig Mac Lochlainn TD on the crisis in the fishing industry and communities.