Standing up for Ireland
PJ Carey
Limerick County Council
As a proud Kilmallock man, l’m passionate about the area and its people. I believe that the people of the Cappamore/Kilmallock electoral area have been neglected and let down by our government, both nationally and locally. For the past five years l have worked hard to address this neglect, from job creation, to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, to providing facilities for our youth.
I have a strong interest in community development and have supported many local community and sporting groups.
I am on the Community, Leisure and Culture Special Policy Committee (SPC), the Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change SPC, the Joint Policing Committee and the Rural Water Monitoring Committee.
My constituency office is in Main St. Bruff, and if l can be of any assistance to you, don’t hesitate to contact me.