Standing up for Ireland
Paul Gibbons
Monaghan County Council
I am originally from Conabury Hill, Castleblayney and now live in Cremartin with my family.
I am employed as a Senior Environmental Health Officer with the HSE. I have been a Director of Castleblayney Credit Union since 2008 and have served a 4 year term as Chairperson of The Board of Directors. I am active in the GAA, have served on the Board of Annyalla National School and am the founder of Castleblayney Food Bank. In addition, I was one of the founders and spokespeople for Border Communities Against Brexit. I was also Chairperson of the Board of Safefood for three years.
I have the personal qualities, qualifications, developed and demonstrated skills and experience to be a strong, effective voice for you and the wider Castleblayney area.