Standing up for Ireland

Maria McCormack
Laois County Council
I have always had a passion for helping in the community and am involved with many voluntary organisations and community groups in Portlaoise. Recently, I have helped establish a Women’s Shed which provides a sanctuary for local women, promoting solidarity, inclusivity and skill development in a welcoming atmosphere. I want to be a voice for our community as part of a strong Sinn Féin team alongside Cllr Caroline Dwane Stanley. As a mother of a child on the autism spectrum I know first-hand the challenges faced by families and the fight for services for education and mental health services. A key priority for me is to provide our young people with the tools they need to flourish, with access to supports, opportunities and safe spaces in the community. I also worked for many years in pharmacy and as a healthcare assistant. I understand all too well difficulties caused by the lack of basic healthcare services in our community. I will work tirelessly to ensure local healthcare services are improved.