Standing up for Ireland
Conor McGuinness
Waterford County Council
Originally from Dungarvan, I have lived in An Rinn for many years. My wife and I are raising a young family in the heart of Gaeltacht na nDéise.
As a full-time public representative my priority is to stand up for workers and families at local level on issues such as housing, healthcare, public services, and the cost of living. I am determined to continue challenging the status quo on the Council - getting homes built and ensuring local services are protected and enhanced.
I have been a republican activist since my teens and served on the Sinn Féin Ard Comhairle. I am proud to be a member of UNITE trade union and an advocate for workers rights and equality.
Tá suim mhór agam sa Ghaeilge agus tá fáilte roimh chomhfhreagras trí Ghaeilge.