April 11, 2024
Public inquiry into Sean Brown killing should happen without delay – Sheerin

Sinn Féin MLA Emma Sheerin has said it is deplorable that the family of Sean Brown are waiting for truth and justice 27 years on and again called for a public inquiry into his killing. 

The Mid Ulster MLA said: 

“Once again the British Government is attempting to thwart the family of Sean Brown from getting truth and justice for their loved one. 

“It’s deplorable that after 27 years this family are still facing delays and are still forced to overcome obstacles put in front of them by the state.

“I support the family’s call for a public inquiry and that must happen as quickly as possible to ensure they are not left waiting another three decades for the truth. 

“The British government are hell bent on pulling down the shutters on families like the Browns and their efforts to challenge them through the courts in a matter of weeks with their cruel Legacy Act. 

“This shameful law should be repealed and the legacy mechanisms agreed at Stormont House in 2014 fully implemented in a human rights complaint manner.”

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