April 28, 2024
“Change starts here, Change starts now” the message from MacManus and McDonald at Sinn Fein launch in Helix

Speaking at the party’s packed campaign launch today, Sinn Féin MEP and candidate for the European Elections Chris MacManus said, “it would be hard not to be inspired by today’s launch for the local & European elections, The energy, motivation and excitement present, reflects the eagerness of Sinn Féin at all levels to get to work. To deliver real change and stand up for the people of Ireland. The message is clear. Change starts here. Change starts now”

Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou McDonald spoke to more than 800 party members at the launch of the party’s Local Government and EU election campaigns in The Helix in Dublin this morning and said “This election is the first step in getting this failed government out of office…  We know that change is possible, we know that change is essential and, my friends, we know that change starts here.” 

Sinn Féin is standing 335 candidates in the Local Government elections and a further six candidates in the EU elections, the largest number of candidates the party have ever stood. Sinn Féin will for the first time standcandidates in every single electoral area with 46% of the candidates being female.

MEP MacManus said the people of Midlands Northwest have a strong Sinn Féin team to vote for. “I am proud to be running alongside Michelle Gildernew in Midlands Northwest. We will work together along with a strong team of Sinn Féin MEPs to stand up for you and your family on the issues that matter.”

“This election is an opportunity to deliver the change that is needed. By voting for Sinn Féin, you are voting for hard working MEPs committed to delivering change. MEPs who will stand up for Ireland.” ENDS

Short Audio Clip for Newsroom available here

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Change is happening now across Ireland.

Sinn Féin is standing a record number of local and European candidates in elections that offer people a massive opportunity to vote for positive change and elect candidates who will work tirelessly to better the lives of workers, families,

We need Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael out of local government, out of national government and out of the European Parliament.

Sinn Féin MEPs will stand up for workers, families and communities. If you want rid of this disastrous government, come out and vótáil Sinn Féin on June 7th.

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