September 14, 2024
We must empower writers and readers to advance Ireland’s rich and ancient literary arts – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

We must empower writers and readers to advance Ireland’s rich and ancient literary arts – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Arts, Culture, Tourism and Media, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, has today launched Scríobh – Sinn Féin’s 10 Priorities for the Literary Arts.

This builds on the 10 overarching priorities for supporting Irish artists and arts which Sinn Féin published earlier this week following a vibrant Dáil Ealaíon Arts Assembly at which more than 100 representatives from across the arts discussed what is needed for the sector to thrive.

Teachta Ó Snodaigh said:

“At the heart of any Irish arts policy must be a strategy to advance the literary tradition for which we are known around the world, and which is one of the oldest in the world.

“From the thousands of years of rich oral and written artistry in our national tongue, An Ghaeilge, to the widely celebrated and disproportionate contribution we have made to writing in our colonial language of English, and the linguistic diversity of our minorities, this tapestry of poetry and prose, fiction and fact, ranging from manuscripts through to comic books, also helps give life to Ireland’s rich theatre, lyrical music and audiovisual arts.

“Our approach to literature involves standing up for freedom of expression against attacks by both government and by the far-right, while also supporting vital spaces like bookshops and public libraries, and investing in journalism.

“Empowering young readers is of vital importance, and we would invest in school libraries, with just 4% of schools receiving support for school library services from the Department of Education at present. We would also provide free Irish language books to children and re-examine how literature is incorporated in our English and Irish curricula.

“We commit to implementing the Irish Language Committee’s comprehensive 110 report recommendations on the Irish language books sector. We are also committing to recognise the art of storytelling and develop strategies both for folklore and for literary translation and foreign language literature, while also providing a dedicated fund for Traveller Language and Culture.

“I invite writers and readers to read the detail of our proposed approach and let us know what they think. This is one of a number of policies being published focused on different art sectors.”

Ní mór dúinn scríbhneoirí agus léitheoirí a chumasú chun ealaíon saibhir agus ársa litríochta na hÉireann a chur chun cinn – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Inniú, sheol urlabhraí Gaeilge, Gaeltachta, Ealaíon, Cultúir, Turasóireachta agus Meán, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, Taibhiú – 10 dTosaíochtaí Shinn Féin do na hEalaíona Liteartha.

Tagann sé seo sna sála ar na 10 dTosaíochtaí uilíocha chun tacú le healaíontóirí agus ealaíon na hÉireann a d’fhoilsithe Sinn Féin níos luaithe sa tseachtain tar éis Dáil Ealaíon bríomhar ina ghlac breis is 100 ionadaí páirt as gach chearn de na healaíona chun plé a dhéanamh faoi cad a theastaíonn chun go n-éireoidh leis an earnáil.

Dúirt an Teachta Ó Snodaigh TD:

“Ag croílár polasaí ar bith ealaíon in Éirinn, teastaíonn straitéis chun ár dtraidisiún liteartha ar a bhfuil cliú agus cáil ar fud an domhain, agus i measc na traidisiúin is sine ar domhain, a chur chun cinn.

“Idir na mílte bliain d’ealaíontacht shaibhir béal agus scríofa inár dteanga náisiúnta, An Ghaeilge, agus an ról as compás a bhí againn inár dteanga coilíneach Béarla ar a dhéantar ceiliúradh go foirleathan, gan trácht ar iolrachas teanga ár mionlaithe, cuireann an gréasán casta seo filíochta agus próis, ficsean agus fíric, idir lámhscríbhinní agus greannáin, lenár n-ealaíona saibhre drámaíochta, ceol liriciúil agus closamhairc.

“Seasfar suas inár gcur chuige don litríocht ar son saoirse cainte i gcoinne ionsaithe ón rialtas agus ón eite fíordheis, fad is a thacódh muid le spásanna ríthábhachtacha ar nós siopaí leabhar agus leabharlanna phoiblí, agus a infheisteodh muid san iriseoireacht.

“Tá sé fíorthábhachtach léitheoirí óga a chumhachtú, agus dhéanfadh muid infheistiú i leabharlanna scoile, agus gan ach 4% de scoileanna ag fáil tacaíocht ón Roinn Oideachais do seirbhísí leabharlainne scoile faoi láthair. Chuirfeadh muid leabhair Gaeilge saor in aisce ar fáil do leanaí freisin agus thabharfadh muid faoi athbhreithniú ar conas a chuimsítear an litríocht inár gcuraclaim Béarla agus Gaeilge.

“Táimid tiomanta an 110 moltaí tuarascála a thug an Choiste Gaeilge maidir le hearnáil na leabhar Gaeilge a chur i bhfeidhm. Táimid tiomanta freisin ealaín an seanchais a aithint agus straitéis a fhorbairt don bhéaloideas agus don aistriúchán liteartha agus litríochta iasachta, fad is a gcuirfidh muid ciste ar leith ar fáil do Theanga agus Cultúr an Lucht Siúil.

“Fiafraím ar scríbhneoirí agus léitheoirí na sonraí a léamh ar ár gcur chuige molta agus a gcuid tuairimí a roinnt linn. Tá sé seo mar chuid de sraith polasaithe atá á foilsiú againn ar earnáil éagsúil ealaíon.”

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