December 8, 2022
Vital PSNI communicate with family of Matthew McCallan – Dillon

Sinn Féin MLA Linda Dillon has said it is vital that the PSNI communicate with the family of teenager Matthew McCallan to help them get the answers they need as soon as possible. 

The Mid-Ulster MLA said: 

“It is vital that the family of Matthew McCallan get the answers to questions they have about the search operation.

“It is essential there is good communication between the PSNI and Matthew’s family. And if there is any learning from the tragic events of this week that it is taken forward so no other family is in this position again.

“A notification has been made by the PSNI to the Police Ombudsman’s Office about the case. 

“However, today at the Policing Board I called for a review of procedures so that Matthew’s family are able to get the answers they need as soon as possible.

 “And importantly for Matthew’s mummy and daddy that if there is a need to improve processes and protocols this can be done now.” 

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