November 6, 2024
Virgin Media playing into Fine Gael hands by refusal to host party leaders’ debate – Matt Carthy TD

Sinn Féin Director of Elections, Matt Carthy TD, has accused Virgin Media of playing into Fine Gael’s hands by their refusal to hold a party leaders’ debate for the upcoming General Election.

He added that this is ‘a retrograde step’ that allows the government to escape scrutiny.

Teachta Carthy said:

“Fine Gael wants to avoid scrutiny and proper debate in this election. The decision by Virgin Media not to host a party leaders’ debate is playing into Fine Gael’s hands.

“Our broadcasters have a duty to the public to facilitate debate and discussion in the election period. This includes putting both government and opposition through their paces, and holding them to account.

“Virgin Media have previously hosted debates during General Elections, and this decision appears to have no sound rationale.

“Fine Gael have been in government for 14 years. They have failed in housing, health, cost of living and many other key policy areas. They have wasted taxpayers’ money. Their leader should be subject to the same scrutiny and debate as all previous office holders. Certainly, Sinn Féin are eager to bring our plans and solutions to every possible audience.

“Virgin Media viewers deserve to be able to see this debate. I would urge them to reconsider this decision in the public interest.”

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