August 11, 2021
Time to tackle Back to School costs for families – Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire TD

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Education, Donnchadh Ó Laoghaire TD, has today launched proposals that would see free hot meals for all children in DEIS primary schools, and free school books for all children rolled out over a five-year government term.
Teachta Ó Laoghaire said:
“Ireland’s education system is being heavily subsidised by families. Every summer, I speak to families who are being crippled by the growing costs of sending their kids back to school.
“Families are put to the pin of their collar year on year, to meet the costs of books, uniforms, voluntary contributions, transport – the list goes on.
“Parents make every effort to cover these costs, many getting themselves into debt as a result, and often at the expense of their own personal needs.
“Successive governments have slashed capitation funding for schools, leaving parents to make up the shortfall through huge voluntary contributions.
“It is alarming that, due to Government inaction, parents are having to fundraise to keep the lights and the heating on in their children’s schools.
“It shouldn’t have to be this way. It is high time we tackle the high costs of education on families.
“Our plans launched today will increase per-pupil funding across schools, to bring about an end to the reliance on voluntary contributions and parental fundraising.
“Our plans would provide fully free school books for all children, through increases in funding over a number of budgets. We would significantly enhance the School Meals Programme, ensuring that all children in DEIS primary schools receive a hot meal during the school day.
“The piecemeal supports provided by successive governments have done little to ease the huge financial burden on parents every year.
“With the proposals we have set out in our policy document, ‘Let’s Tackle Back to School Costs’, we can give parents a break, and ensure that equal educational outcomes can be secured for all children, regardless of their family’s income.”
Let’s Tackle Back to School Costs policy document can be found here

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