April 8, 2021
Those directing violence and exploiting young people must stop – Michelle O’Neill

Sinn Féin Leas Uachtarán Michelle O’Neill has said those who are directing and orchestrating violence and exploiting young people must stop. 

Michelle O’Neill said: 

“The dangerous escalation of violence at Lanark Way interface in Belfast yesterday evening was utterly deplorable.

“A press photographer, a public transport worker and police were attacked.

“There is an onus on every public representative to assume our responsibilities to address the tensions and restore calm.

“Today both the Executive and Assembly has met to give us the opportunity as political leaders to publicly express our deep concerns relating to recent violence and ongoing street disorder over Easter week.

“This morning the Sinn Féin leadership met with the PSNI Chief Constable to get an update on the situation, and to offer our support to both him and his officers, including the 55 officers injured.

“Today we must stand united in appealing to all concerned to refrain from further threats or use of violence and call on those directing young people to engage in violence to stop. 

“There is room for everyone in the political process, but there is no room in society whatsoever for those who are armed and illegal and who should disband. 

“You are the enemies of peace.

“Those involved in violence, criminal damage, manipulation of our young people and attacks on the police must stop.”

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