Sinn Féin spokesperson on Education, Sorca Clarke TD, has said that the worsening shortage of teachers highlights how badly the government has failed on education and housing.
A survey of primary and secondary schools published by the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO), Irish Primary Principals’ Network and the Catholic Primary Schools Management Association, reveals there are almost 1,000 teaching vacancies across the state.
Teachta Clarke said:
“There is an unprecedented level of teacher shortages in schools across the state. This highlights the extent to which this government has failed schools. Too many teachers feel forced to emigrate because they cannot see how they can build a life here in Ireland, amid a spiralling housing crisis and cost of living crisis that this government have overseen.
“Our children and our schools are paying the price for government incompetence. Fianna Fáil have been responsible for Education throughout this government’s time in office, yet they have failed to invest in schools. They have also been responsible for Housing, yet have failed to deliver the affordable housing that teachers need.
“The result is an education system that is struggling to get by and lurches from crisis to crisis. This is Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael’s legacy.
“A general election is due to take place in the coming weeks. Voters will have a clear choice. They face a choice between more of the same, with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael who have failed to deliver on education and housing. A government who have failed to support our children and our schools. Or a Sinn Féin government determined to deliver on housing and education. A Sinn Féin government that will build a better future by investing in public services and communities.
“Sinn Féin have set out how we would make ending the housing crisis our number one priority. This would ensure teachers can see a future here in Ireland, by bringing the dream of home ownership back into reach for teachers.
“A Sinn Féin government would invest in schools and communities, to ensure that Ireland is a better place to raise a family and build a future.”

October 22, 2024
Teacher shortage crisis highlights government failings in education and housing – Sorca Clarke TD