December 10, 2020
Taxi drivers must be able to access support scheme – Boylan

Sinn Féin MLA Cathal Boylan has called Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon to apply some discretion to allow taxi drivers to be able to access support.

The Newry and Armagh MLA stated:

“Many taxi drivers have been unable to access the financial assistance scheme from the Department for Infrastructure as a result of taking short insurance breaks when their income plummeted during lockdown.

“No one could have expected that taking such measures would have stopped them from accessing support down the road.

“I have written to the Infrastructure Minister to revisit that criteria, to apply some discretion so that drivers who desperately need this support can access it. 

“Unfortunately in her reply the Minister has not indicated that she plans to amend this criteria however I will continue to raise this vital issue.” 

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