Sinn Féin MLA Martina Anderson has said taxi drivers cannot afford to wait any longer for financial support to help them deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Foyle MLA said:
“Taxi drivers urgently need financial support to help them through the current COVID-19 restrictions.
“From the outset of the pandemic taxi drivers have received no financial support despite their industry being one of the worst hit with drivers’ incomes being slashed.
“This evening Karen Mullan and I held an online meeting with taxi drivers from across the north and representatives of the taxi industry to hear once again at first hand thier frustration.
“The Finance Minister made a call on other Executive ministers to bring forward proposals for sectors and workers who have not been able to access financial supports to date. However, drivers are still waiting for the Infrastructure Ministers to come forward with a scheme that will give them the practical support they desperately need.
“Taxi drivers provide an essential service in our communities and are entitled to and deserve support to help them get through this pandemic.
“Taxi drivers also need definitive guidance on how to operate in a way that keeps drivers and passengers safe at this time and helps meets the cost over overheads, such as providing PPE and equipping vehicles, incurred dealing with the pandemic.”