June 15, 2022
Tacaíonn MacManus le togra Bhliain na nOileán

Tacaíonn MacManus le togra Bhliain na nOileán

Cuireann Feisire Eorpach de chuid Shinn Féin, Chris MacManus, fáilte roimh thogra chun 2024 a bheith mar Bliain Eorpach na nOileán.

Chur MacManus fáilte roimh an togra a bhí i dtuairisc ar todhchaí oileáin na hEorpa agus vótáil sé i bhfábhar don tuairisc a bhí os comhair Parlaimint na hEorpa.

Dúirt MacManus

“Mar Feisire do toghcheantar le pobal cósta mór, bhí mé sásta chun tacú leis an tuairisc ar todhchaí oileáin na hEorpa. Bhí go leor sa tuairisc seo agus leag sé amach na dúshlán atá os comhair ár bpobail oileán faoi láthair. 

“Creidim go bhfuil sé tábhachtach chun oibriú lenár bpobail oileán ar fud na hEorpa chun plé chuimsitheach a bheith againn faoi an todhchaí.

“Moladh amháin a bhí sa tuairisc seo ná go mbeadh 2024 mar Bliain na nOileán san Aontas Eorpach. Creidim go láidir sa togra seo agus tá mé den tuairim go dtabharfaidh sé seo deis dúinn plé ceart a bheith againn ar thodhchaí ár bpobail cósta agus oileán.

“Beidh mise ag leanúint suas leis an gCoimisiún chun cinntiú go dhéantar staidéir ceart ar an togra seo. CRÍOCH

MacManus Supports Calls for Year of Islands Proposal

Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus supports proposals for 2024 to be the European Year of Islands.

MacManus welcomed the proposals that were in a Report on the Future of European Islands and he voted in favour of the report which was before the European Parliament.

MacManus said:

“As an MEP from a constituency with many coastal communities, I was pleased to support this report on the future of our islands. There was a lot in this report and it laid out the challenges being faced by our island communities. 

“I believe that it is important for us to work with our island communities from across Europe to ensure a comprehensive discussion on the future.

“One proposal in the report was to make 2024 the Year of Islands in the EU. I strongly believe in this proposal and I am of the opinion that it will give the opportunity to have a real discussion on the future of our coastal and island communities. 

“I will be following up with the Commission to ensure that this proposal is given real thought. ENDS

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