August 3, 2021
Suicide awareness training for front-facing staff needed – Flynn

All front-line public service staff will receive suicide awareness training under proposals being put forward by Sinn Féin MLA Órlaithí Flynn MLA.

The party’s spokesperson on suicide prevention was commenting on a private members bill which she is taking through the Assembly.

The West Belfast MLA said: “This bill will complement existing mental health and suicide prevention strategies by creating a statutory duty to provide basic suicide awareness training to all front facing public service staff.

“These staff interact with the public every day, including on many occasions those in crisis. This bill will enable staff who have not yet received such training to access it so that they can recognise signs of crisis and where possible direct people to the most appropriate services. 

“Suicide is devastating for an individual family but also has a huge impact on the wider community. We must look at every possible preventative measure and by making even basic training widely available, we can assist communities and complement existing efforts to save lives.”

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