Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou McDonald said:
“A complaint was made against Deputy Brian Stanley at the end of July by a longstanding member of the party and a panel was set up under our internal disciplinary processes to investigate the complaint. During the preliminary stages of the inquiry, further information was brought forward which resulted in a counter allegation being made.
“Deputy Stanley’s rights were protected throughout this process. He had, as was his right, a solicitor and a barrister with him at the meeting with the disciplinary panel.
“A preliminary report was furnished to both individuals last week and they were given seven days to respond. At the same time outside legal advice was sought by the party.
“The internal process has now been suspended and the issue has been passed to An Garda Síochána. Brian Stanley and the other party have been informed of this.
“We will not ignore or hide away from difficult issues when they arise.
“These are not outcomes that anyone likes to see but let me be clear we have robust procedures for dealing with these issues and they will be followed at all times and apply equally to all members of the party.”

October 13, 2024
Statement from Sinn Féin Leader Mary Lou McDonald