September 3, 2020
“Special EU Report confirms that Neoliberalism is failing poorest across Europe” – Chris MacManus MEP

“Special EU Report confirms that Neoliberalism is failing poorest across Europe” – Chris MacManus MEP

Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus has said today’s report by the European Court of Auditors showing that the EU’s “European Semester” and its “Country Specific Recommendations” are failing to come anywhere near reaching poverty reduction targets is an indictment of the EU Commission controlled economic agenda.

The Midlands Northwest MEP said: “It is simply impossible for a system based on austerity rules and neo-liberal ideology to ever bring about a serious reduction in poverty nevermind its abolition.”

“The report must be a wake-up call and act as catalyst for reform of the EU’s economic agenda including its “Semester process” and the fiscal rules.”

MacManus concluded “The report states that there was “no actual progress in the other two forms of poverty, i.e. income poverty and very low work intensity” and that as little as 6.9m people out of a target of 20 million had been lifted out of poverty in recent years. These revelations confirm we are on the wrong trajectory to address the biggest inequalities across Europe.” ENDS

Additional Notes:
“The special report by the European Court of Auditors is an analysis of the EU’s European Semester and Country Specific Recommendations. These controversial mechanisms are used by the EU Commission to tell Member States what areas they need to focus on economically.” 

Link to report:

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