January 22, 2021
Sinn Féin MPs speak to Bahraini pro-democracy campaigners

Sinn Féin MPs met virtually with Bahraini pro-democracy campaigners to discuss human rights abuses in the country. 

The briefing was facilitated by the Dublin based European Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (ECDHR). 

Speaking after meeting with Dr Saeed Al-Shehabi and Ali Mushaima, son of the political prisoner of conscience Hasan Mushaima, Francie Molloy MP said: 

 “It is very disheartening to hear about the continued denial of basic democratic and civil rights in Bahrain.  

“It is particularly troubling to hear about the treatment of political prisoners, with reports of arbitrary denial of medical assistance and restrictions on phone calls to loved ones. 

“The British Government continues to turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses in Bahrain. 

“In supporting the Bahraini regime, the British Government are a barrier to lasting peace and democracy in the region. 

“Sinn Féin calls for the immediate release of Hassan Mushaima, alongside dual Swedish citizen Sheikh Abduljalil Al-Muqdad and dual Danish citizen Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja; and all political prisoners in Bahrain.  

“We will be raising these issues directly with the Minister for Foreign Affairs in Dublin and British Government Ministers.”

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