June 30, 2021
Sinn Féin MPs meet with former President of Colombia to discuss peace process

Sinn Féin MPs Paul Maskey and Mickey Brady attended an online briefing with the former President of Colombia, Ernesto Samper, and other social leaders based in Colombia to discuss the mounting humanitarian tragedy in Colombia.

Speaking after the meeting Paul Maskey said:

“It is deeply saddening to hear reports of the deteriorating situation in Colombia, with new violence posing a serious challenge for the peace process.

“Too much time and energy has been invested into securing peace so there can be no rollback on this.

“New violence emerging in parts of Colombia is cause for considerable concern and we once again call on all sides to cease all armed actions.

“Ordinary citizens in Colombia are facing a daily humanitarian emergency, with massacres, homicides and forced displacement being a commonplace.

Mickey Brady MP added:

“Despite the current situation, it was positive to learn of the humanitarian work and ongoing efforts towards a cessation of violence.

“As a party, Sinn Féin will be appealing directly to both the Dublin and London governments to use their influence to call on the Colombian government to endorse these Humanitarian Agreements.

“We also call on the Colombian government to live up its responsibilities and undertakings agreed in Havana in 2016.”

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