Sinn Féin MEP for Ireland South, Kathleen Funchion, has raised serious questions around the government’s ongoing handling of the Mother and Baby payment scheme as evidence emerges that less than seven percent of the total budget has been paid out in nearly 12 months.
MEP Funchion said:
“From the moment this redress scheme was published, I raised serious concerns around the unconscionable exclusion of in excess of 24,000 survivors. I and others strongly advocated for a redress scheme that included all survivors without prejudice.
“However, to date, a mere €55m of the €800m redress budget has been spent, leaving a staggering €745m remaining. This significant underspend, 12 months after the opening of the scheme, clearly shows this punitive measure was completely and totally unnecessary.
“I would seriously question the government’s dedication to ensuring the scheme was widely published and, most importantly, I would ask did they work to assure survivors that they could apply for redress and remain anonymous.
“To this day, I am still stopped by survivors who aren’t aware they can apply, if they are entitled to redress and where to apply. Many feel it’s beyond them, that the process is online only. and don’t feel confident in their ability to apply.
“Another issue that arises is around gaps in information, I couldn’t encourage people enough to apply, even if there are gaps in your information – my simple message is please apply.
“There also seems to be a number of delays through the appeals process. I recently spoke to a woman who has been waiting for a number of months, she was told her application wasn’t a priority as they are currently dealing with applicants over the age of 90.
“I would have concerns that staffing in the payments unit may have been reduced and would ask the Minister to ensure the unit is adequately staffed to ensure applications are processed and finalised as quickly as possible. One man has been asked for an affidavit on three separate occasions, costing him a couple of hundred euro each time.
“Applications opened in March 2024 and remain open for another four years. I would be concerned with such low numbers of applications, with fewer than 6,000 applications received, that the majority of survivors are either unaware of the scheme or are nervous about applying to the scheme.
“With such a large portion of the funds untouched, I am left to question the government’s commitment to attempting to offer redress to the survivors of mother and baby institutions and would call on the Minister to revisit the exclusion of survivors resident in an institution less than six months.
“I would encourage anyone who has questions to please contact my office confidentially on 087-328 1568, or contact the government’s payments unit on 01 522 9992 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm).”
Response to Parliamentary Question can be read here.