Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children, Integration, Equality and Youth, Claire Kerrane TD, has said that Budget 2025 has ‘let down the youth work sector’, as only €7 million has been set aside for the expansion of youth work, out of the €8.3 billion allocation to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Teachta Kerrane said:
“I am appalled that despite the highest ever year on year increase in funding for the Department of Children, Integration, Equality and Youth, only €7 million has been allocated for the expansion of youth work, out of a total €8.3 billion given to the Department in Budget 2025.
“This simply does not equate to the increasing demand on youth work, given the growing youth population. It also does not adequately support the much-needed resources to support our young people, especially as they face a growing number of challenges; including pressures stemming from the cost of living and housing crisis, as well as mental health and addiction difficulties.
“NYCI in their Pre-Budget Submission called for a €15 million increase in investment in the youth work sector. I am proud to say that Sinn Féin listened to their ask and provided this €15 million increase in our Alternative Budget.
“The Government clearly needs to actively engage with the youth work sector, and deliver their asks. Organisations such as NYCI work tirelessly to advocate for the rapid growth in demand for youth services, and funding for such crucial resources must be provided.
“For too long the voices and needs of young people have been disregarded by the Government. We need to increase investment for our youth – which is important now more than ever.
“While Minister O’Gorman believes the €7 million allocated for youth services is something to be celebrated, it is clearly not enough. Budget 2025 has let this sector down.”

October 11, 2024
Significant under-investment in youth work has ‘let down’ the youth work sector – Claire Kerrane TD