April 23, 2021
Sheerin to challenge health minister to commission abortion services

Sinn Féin MLA Emma Sheerin has tabled an urgent question to the health minister over his failure to commission abortion services in the north.  

Speaking after it was confirmed that the Western Trust will also suspend abortion services on Friday, the Mid Ulster MLA said:

“It’s deeply concerning that the Western Trust will become the third Health Trust over the last year to suspend abortion services.  

“Clinicians have been forced to make difficult decisions without support during what has already been a tough year for our health service. 

“This is totally unacceptable and is a direct result of the Health Minister’s failure to implement modern and compassionate healthcare services for women. 

“I have tabled an urgent question challenging Health Minister Robin Swann to stop delaying and commission the services he is responsible for so that no women are forced to travel for services that they are legally entitled to here.”

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