November 12, 2019
Sheehan calls on Department of Health to publish neurology recall report

Sinn Féin spokesperson for Health Pat Sheehan has called on the Department of Health to publish the neurology recall report as a matter of urgency.

Speaking after patients gathered to submit a letter to the Permanent Secretary for Health Richard Pengelly today Mr Sheehan said, “Sinn Féin has consistently called on the department to publish the neurology recall outcomes report as it committed to do in June.

“I am deeply disappointed that the Permanent Secretary didn’t see fit to accept a letter from former patients of neurologist Michael Watt.

“In my view this was disrespectful and hurtful to those patients already negatively affected by this scandal.

“I strongly encourage Mr Pengelly agree to the patients’ request for a meeting and respond to their calls for the publication of the outcomes report.

“We’re also aware that the Permanent Secretary met recently with senior detectives from the PSNI in relation to the neurology recall.
 “The Dept of Health should share the outcomes report with the PSNI as a matter of urgency so they can consider whether an investigation into this issue is merited.

“I will be meeting with the PSNI in the coming weeks to discuss this in greater detail.”

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