December 7, 2023
Shameful that the right to your fada has been put on the ‘méar fhada’ – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

(Gaeilge thíos)

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Gaeilge, Gaeltacht, Arts and Culture, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, has criticised the decision by Government to delay the recognition of a person’s name and address with the síneadh fada by 31 October as promised as far back as January.

In his response to Teachta Ó Snodaigh last night, Minister of State for the Gaeltacht Patrick O’Donovan TD said: “Even though an interim date of 31 October 2023 was mentioned in relation to this previously, another short period will now take place before effect is given to these provisions.”

Teachta Ó Snodaigh said:

“There will be disappointment in the Irish speaking community, and also among those with fadas in their names and addresses, that yet another delay has been placed on this legal protection.

“People have been waiting on this right for a long time, and the right to a name is specifically recognised in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

“The same colonial system remains in place with regard Irish language names among our state bodies as existed under British rule.

“The worst thing about Minister O’Donovan’s answer is that it was he who gave the October 31st  whereas now is not even giving a new date, saying only that they’re working towards implementing them by the end of this year. It is nearly the end of the year already.

“There is a danger that these provisions will be treated in the same manner as the planning guidelines which were promised for the Gaeltacht two years ago and which are still nowhere to be seen.

“Other things beside the correct recording of síntí fada have also been put on the ‘méar fhada’ or long finger: the right to get an answer in your own language on social media; official forms being bilingual; putting Irish to the fore on new logos; giving newly-established state bodies names in Irish only; and taking the issue of language into account in any services being put out to contract for third parties.

“It’s not good enough for a promise to be given that these things will be in force by a certain date and then saying nothing until over a month after that to let people know the rights promised are not being put into force.

“Clarity is needed now from the Minister as to when the new language law agreed by the Dáil will take effect.”

Díomách go bhfuil cearta don fada curtha ar an méar fhada – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Cháin urlabhraí Gaeilge, Gaeltachta, Ealaíon agus Cultúir Shinn Féin, Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, cinneadh an Rialtais moill a chur leis an aitheantas do ainm agus seoladh an duine le síneadh fada faoin 31ú Deireadh Fómhair a bhí geallta chomh fada siar le mí Eanáir.

Sa freagra a thug an tAire Stáit Gaeltachta, Patrick O’Donovan TD, ar an Teachta Ó Snodaigh aréir, dúirt sé: “Cé gur luadh dáta eatramhach de 31 Deireadh Fómhair 2023 i leith seo roimhe seo, beidh tréimhse ghearr eile ann anois sula mbeidh feidhm á tabhairt do na forálacha seo.”

Dúirt an Teachta Ó Snodaigh:

“Beidh an-díomá ar phobal na Gaeilge, agus daoine le fada ina n-ainmneacha agus ina gcuid seolta i gcoitinne, go bhfuil moill eile ag baint leis an gcosaint reachtúil seo.

“Tá daoine ag fanacht ar an gceart seo le fada, agus tá ceart an ainm aitheanta go sonrach i gCoinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe um Chearta an Linbh.

“Tá an córas coilíneach céanna fós i bhfeidhm i leith ainmneacha Gaelacha ag comhlachtaí an stáit seo is a bhí faoi ré na Breataine.

“An rud is measa ó freagra an Aire O’Donovan ná gurb eisean a thug an 31ú Deireadh Fómhair mar dáta agus anois níl sé ag lua dáta ar bith fiú, díreach ag rá go bhfuileadar “ag obair i dtreo feidhm a thabhairt dóibh roimh dheireadh na bliana seo”. Tá muid beagnach ag deireadh na bliana cheana féin.

“Tá an baol ann go gcaithfear mar an gcéanna leis na forálacha seo agus mar ar caitheadh leis na treoirlínte pleanála a gealladh don Ghaeltacht dhá bliain ó shin agus nach bhfuil feicithe againn go fóill.

“Tá rudaí eile anuas ar thaifead ceart an síneadh fada anois curtha ar an méar fhada: an ceart freagra a fháil ar na meáin shóisialta i do theanga féin; foirmeacha oifigiúil a bheith dátheangach; an Ghaeilge chun cinn ar lógónna nua; go n-ainmneofar comhlachtaí poiblí nuabhunaithe i nGaeilge amháin; agus cás na teanga a bheith san áireamh in aon seirbhísí curtha amach ar chonradh chuig tríú páirtí.

“Níl sé maith go leor geallúint a thabhairt go mbeadh na rudaí seo go léir i bhfeidhm roimh dáta ar leith agus ansin gan faic a rá go dtí os cionn mí ina dhiaidh sin chun tabhairt le fios nach bhfuil na cearta a bhí geallta curtha i bhfeidhm.

“Teastaíonn soiléiriú anois ón Aire faoi cathain a dtiocfaidh an dlí nua teanga mar a aontaíodh sa Dáil i bhfeidhm.”

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