September 30, 2020
Senator McCallion presses on Irish Govt to fulfil their commitments to the North West

Sinn Féin spokesperson for Regional Development and the North West, Senator Elisha McCallion has today sought clarity from the Irish Government on commitments made in the “New Decade, New Approach” agreement in January of this year.

Senator McCallion raised several commitments including the expansion of Magee, the National Development Plan, the A5 project and the North West Inclusive Growth Deal.

Speaking in the Seanad today, Senator McCallion said:

“It was very much welcome news by many in Derry and the North West that the region featured significantly in the ‘New Decade, New Approach’ agreement document.

“One commitment was to the expansion of Magee University.

“I am today asking specifically what progress the Irish Government have made either with the North West Further and Higher Education Cross–Border cluster, Ulster University, the Executive in the North or indeed the British Government, who too referenced it in the document.

“I am too asking very specifically that the expansion of Magee is placed on the agenda of the next North/South Ministerial Council. We have political agreement for the need to expand this university. What we need now is political leadership to see this commitment fulfilled.

“The hope that was felt in Derry when this agreement was signed was immense. What none of us want is for this to be another false dawn for the city, therefore I look forward to working constructively with the Irish Government on the mountain of work that needs to be done to meet their commitments.”

Minister of State for EU Affairs Thomas Byrne reaffirmed the Irish Government’s commitment to Magee as laid out in January’s agreement.

Minister Byrne said that the Taoiseach is committed to education and expanding education access both regionally for the North West and the border counties.

“You can be absolutely assured that with this government this [Magee expansion] will progress, and it will happen.”

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