April 20, 2023
‘Savage cuts to Extended Schools deeply unacceptable’ – Sheehan

Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan has said savage cuts to the Extended Schools Programme as a result of Tory budget decisions are deeply unacceptable and said an Executive must be formed now to help protect public services. 

The party’s education spokesperson said:

“School principals have been informed today that funding for Extended Schools is being slashed by 75% and the programme axed at the end of June. 

“This is totally unacceptable and is the latest in a number of savage Tory attacks on our children and young people’s education.  

“The Extended Schools programme was in place to support children and young people who are most disadvantaged with their learning and helped deliver schemes such as Breakfast Clubs and extracurricular activities. 

“Children must be supported in school to have the best start in life, but instead they are paying the price for the failure of one party to work together in the best interests of all our people.

“I will make our opposition to these cruel and callous cuts clear to the Department of Education and again reiterate the need for a local education minister to take decisions in Budgets, not unelected Tory ministers in London. 

“We need the Executive restored and parties working together to deliver for communities and protect our public services from these cruel Tory policies.”

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