Sinn Féin spokesperson for Justice, Pa Daly TD, has expressed concern over the latest report of the Comptroller and Auditor General. The report details the risks involved in the Gardai policing private events, in particular the recording of expenses incurred and the charging regime to private operators.
Teachta Daly said:
“It has been a big summer of events all over the country this year, including the Europa League final, multiple American Football games, All Ireland Finals and concerts. These events have largely run well, despite the pressures they place on public services.
“The Comptroller and Auditor General’s report mentioned the steps taken by An Garda Síochána to improve the charging regime for these events. However, the report also stated that hours worked, travel and subsistence expenses are recorded in such a way that determining the appropriate price to charge operators is difficult for the organisation.
“Quite obviously, and as the report states, this brings a considerable risk of subsidy for these operators. Nobody doubts that events are important, given they create jobs and give people something to anticipate but public money must be utilised wisely.
“This is especially the case with Gardaí, as there are already a number of pressures on numbers, which remain at the same level now as when Fine Gael first took office in 2013.
“I have written to the Commissioner and the Minister in relation to this, seeking clarity on the matter. We have seen too many examples of public money going to waste in recent weeks, and the government needs to be aware that continued profligacy with public funds is unacceptable.”

October 3, 2024
Risk of Gardaí subsidising private events must be addressed – Pa Daly TD