Sinn Féin spokesperson for Climate, the Environment, Energy and Transport, Pa Daly TD, has slammed the decision to introduce yet another price hike for household waste collection.
He has called on the government urgently to bring the bins back under public control so that these rip-off costs can be addressed.
The Kerry TD was commenting following today’s news that Panda Recycling is to impose a price increase on a staggering 300,000 household and business customers, which will come into effect on Saturday.
Teachta Daly said:
“Today, Panda recycling announced the news that 300,00 customers were about to be hit with increased costs for waste collection. Significantly these prices go way above the rate of inflation. For example, the recycling per-life charge is going up by 25 percent – 18 times the rate of inflation.
“These increases come off the back of similar increases this time last year by Panda, while Greyhound Recycling increased prices by €3 per month last November.
“The bin company is raising the cost of its half yearly service charge, its waste per lift charge and its recycle per lift charge. Although the price hike only affects Dublin for now, it is expected to hit nationwide shortly.
“Despite a government that is awash with windfall corporate dates and a private bin that makes millions in profits annually, ordinary workers and families are facing yet another increased cost. People remain under immense strain. They simply cannot afford to be hit with even more pressure.
“The government must bring the bins pack under control, which is a broader trend that has been taking place all over Europe. We must allow local authorities to re-enter the market and provide a publicly-owned domestic waste collection service. This is the only way we can guarantee a comprehensive, cost-effective waste management service that meets the needs of householders, businesses and the environment.”