June 26, 2023
Reilly welcomes new non-fatal strangulation laws coming into effect

Sinn Féin MLA Aisling Reilly has today welcomed the news that the new non-fatal strangulation laws have come into effect.

The party’s justice spokesperson said the law “is another important step forward in how the criminal justice system, and indeed wider society, tackles the scourge of domestic and sexual abuse, and violence against women and girls”.

The West Belfast MLA said:

“I welcome the news that the new offence of non-fatal strangulation has come into effect in the north of Ireland.

“The links between non-fatal strangulation and domestic abuse are well-established. We know that strangulation is used to control and terrify victims, and it can often cause serious physical and psychological injury, including fatal injuries.

“Non-fatal strangulation is widely believed to be a predicator of domestic homicide and it is vital our laws now reflect the seriousness of the offence.

“Strangulation is a vicious and deplorable act and it is right the PSNI now have the tools to prosecute perpetrators effectively.

“The creation of a new offence of non-fatal strangulation is another important step forward in how the criminal justice system, and indeed wider society, tackles the scourge of domestic and sexual abuse, and violence against women and girls.”

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