Sinn Féin spokesperson on Climate, Energy and Energy, Pa Daly TD, has slammed the government for setting Ireland on a path to certain climate failure, leading to potential fines of up to €26bn.
Commenting on a newly released report by the Climate Change Advisory Council (CCAC) and the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council (IFSC), Teachta Daly said:
“The findings of today’s report are stark. They should raise the alarm bells for anyone who is paying attention.
“A fine of €26bn could spell disaster for Ireland. This is over triple the amount that the government had previously estimated.
“It would place untold pressure on all other aspects of public spending.
“And ultimately, it would be the Irish taxpayer who would foot the bill. They will be paying the price for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael’s failures.
“Given that successive governments have favoured a regressive approach to climate action – favouring eco-austerity over supply side investment and just transition – this will mean that under their watch, ordinary workers and families will be doubly punished.
“Punished first through regressive measures like carbon taxes, then again for a second time through fines for failing to meet our targets.
“In other words, ordinary workers and families will be penalised twice while the biggest emitters continue to get off scot-free.
“While alarming, today’s report can hardly come as a surprise to the government.
“Year after year, expert after expert, and report after report told them that they are on a path-way to certain climate failure.
“From the CCAC to the SEAI and the EPA, they all warned that we will blow right past our carbon budgets.
“The EU has also repeatedly cautioned the government that their efforts were not sufficient.
“And what did Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael do in response?
“They ignored them.
“Ordinary workers and families should not be punished for the failures of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael. They should not be treated as collateral damage in our collective response to the climate emergency.
“There is a better, fairer way.
“The report echoes Sinn Féin’s contention that rather than punishing ordinary people and locking them out of government schemes, we should be committing to supply side investment. Ordinary people must be able to feel the benefit of the transition, rather than simply shouldering its burden.
“Just like today’s report, Sinn Féin have repeatedly called for more investment in grid, for a more equitable approach to EVs and for a fair deal for farmers.
“These types of progressive investments could save us billions into the future.
“These are the political choices that stand before us.
“Do we invest in ours and our children’s future? Or continue to go down the route which have proven time and time again that it is destined to fail?
“I am calling on the government to heed today’s warnings and to urgently change tack.
“The causes of climate change are not shared equally, and climate action should take account of that.
“The government must move away from punitive-style approaches that are destined to fail. All they do is breed fear and resentment among ordinary people.
“Instead, Ireland should move toward affordable and equitable climate action. With the correct approach, Ireland’s green revolution can deliver lasting change for the betterment of Irish society.”