May 22, 2024
Recognition of Palestinian Statehood an important step for the Palestinian people – Mary Lou McDonald TD

Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has said that the recognition of Palestinian Statehood by Ireland is an important step for the Palestinian people.

Teachta McDonald said:

“It is now almost a decade since the Dáil unanimously supported a Sinn Féin motion to recognise the state of Palestine in December 2014. It is regrettable that it has taken the government so long to formally enact this motion.

“I want to commend all of those who have campaigned for this over many decades.

“Ireland is a small nation but we punch above our weight when it comes to influence at both European level and with the United States. We have a role to play in acting decisively and using every avenue available to bring about a ceasefire, and to hold the Israeli regime accountable for its war crimes.

“The recognition of Palestinian Statehood by Ireland must be the first step in the government playing a leading international role in assisting the creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State.

“The government must follow today’s announcement by utilising every tool at their disposal to hold Israel to account and to demand full adherence to international law.”

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