May 31, 2023
Preparing for the new Ireland – Gerry Adams

Former Uachtarán Shinn Féin Gerry Adams speaking at this evening’s Ireland’s Future event in Queen’s University called on the Irish government to establish a Citizen’s Assembly and that it should agree with the British government a firm date for the unity referendum provided for by the Good Friday Agreement.

“I am not suggesting that this should take place immediately but the Irish Government should seek a date now which allows for inclusive preparation to begin. And that preparatory work should start now.” 

Mr Adams also addressed the place of unionists in the new Ireland; “It is important that unionists are involved in shaping this”.

In his remarks Mr Adams said:

“The recent local government election demonstrates that huge change is happening as we speak, and more change is on its way. It is important that unionists are involved in shaping this. 

Let it be very clear unionists have a place of right in the new Ireland. 

And we want them to be part of what we collectively create.

Change is happening as we speak, and more change is on its way. It is important that unionists are involved in shaping this. Let it be very clear unionists have a place of right in the new Ireland. And we want them to be part of what we collectively create.

The unionist population and its political representatives working with the rest of us on this island is the surest guarantee that their cultural identity – British and unionist – will prosper and be protected in a new and independent Ireland. The safeguards that are in the Good Friday Agreement with respect to identity, cultural and language rights will continue in a new Ireland.

The DUP should take its place with the other parties in the executive. Working with the unionists in the Assembly and the other parties and independents is also part of working toward a new agreed Ireland.

But let’s be clear we have our work cut out for us. We know at this point that the British and Irish governments are against constitutional change and against the referendums. So, are the unionist parties. There are many different reasons for this.

For example, the British government is a unionist government. And the Irish government is worried about a national realignment of politics in which the establishment parties will lose their dominance.

Notwithstanding this our efforts in the time ahead must focus on challenging the Irish and British governments with the demand for the setting of a date for the referendums.

We must also encourage the governments and the Irish government in particular to prepare for the unity referendums and for a successful outcome.

The Irish government has chosen at this time to reject any proposals – including the establishment of a Citizen’s or series of Citizens’ Assemblies – to facilitate discussion and to plan for the future.

We must remind Dublin again and again and again that the Good Friday Agreement created a mechanism for constitutional change through referendums. It was overwhelmingly endorsed by the people in referendums North and South.

The Irish government has a constitutional obligation, and it is also a co-guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement – to prepare for unity. So, that means the Irish government should establish a Citizens’ Assembly to begin the work of planning.

It should agree with the British government a firm date for the unity referendum provided for by the Good Friday Agreement.

I am not suggesting that this should take place immediately but the Irish Government should seek a date now which allows for inclusive preparation to begin. And that preparatory work should start now. 

The Irish people have the right to self-determination. We have the right to determine our own future, without outside interference, peacefully and democratically. That is a central part of the Good Friday Agreement.”

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