November 25, 2020
Plans underway to regenerate Castle Street – Finucane

Sinn Féin representatives John Finucane MP, Paul Maskey MP and Councillor Ciaran Beattie this morning hosted a multi-agency meeting with businesses and authorities on the future of Castle Street. 


John Finucane MP said: 


“Castle Street is a gateway into the city centre from North and West Belfast which thousands travel through on a daily basis to access work, to shop and socialise. 


“It is also a gateway to North and West Belfast which tourists and others regularly travel.


“Sinn Féin has organised an ongoing multi-agency meeting, consisting of traders and authorities, to look at developing short, medium and long-term approaches to enhance the area. 


“Creating a cleaner, safer, vibrant and regenerated Castle Street is a priority for the party in the city.


“There are number of key projects which are currently being discussed, including the installation of cobble stones and LED lights to improve the physical look, an outdoor canopy for social events at bank square, a pop-up play park and increased support for current traders. 


“Regenerating the buildings and increasing their occupancy will also be crucial to the revitalisation of the street.


“Sinn Féin will continue to work, together with the local traders and authorities, to ensure that Castle Street is a thriving area and a gateway which citizens can be proud of.”

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