May 31, 2023
‘Pause on building new post-primary schools a huge blow’ – Sheehan

Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan said it is a huge blow that work to build 28 new post-primary schools has been paused as result of cruel Tory cuts.

The party’s education spokesperson said:

“It is hugely disappointing to learn that work to build 28 new post-primary schools has been paused by the Department of Education because of cruel Tory cuts.

“This is a huge blow to our children, school staff and communities who greatly benefit from having first-class education facilities.

“Over a decade of continued and savage Tory cuts from London is having a hugely detrimental impact on our children’s education and our public services.

“Rather than swinging the axe at our public services, the British Government should be providing more investment in services.

“The blocking of the Executive by one party must end now. We need parties working together to support our schools from the impact of these savage cuts.”

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