April 10, 2024
PAC no-shows must stop now – Brian Stanley TD

Sinn Féin TD and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Brian Stanley, has said that further late notice no-shows by bodies called before PAC cannot be tolerated.

Deputy Stanley’s comments were made following postponement of the hearing with the University of Limerick, who were due to come before the committee to answer questions on the massive overspending on houses for student accommodation at Rhebogue.

The Higher Education Authority has also commenced a preliminary examination into the University of Limerick acquisition of the Rhebogue properties in January 2024.

Teachta Stanley said:

“All of the bodies, be they government departments, semi-state companies or universities are given more than adequate notice of when they are to appear. 

“An accountable person must come before the committee, ready and prepared to answer all questions. If an accountable person is ill and sends notice that they cannot attend, that can be accepted. 

“What will not be accepted is these bodies not appointing another accountable person who can come before the committee with all the information required to answer questions.

“There are constitutions, protocols and procedures to be adhered to in all these bodies. No one person has all of the information available to them alone.

“The University of Limerick is a public body, publicly funded, audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General and therefore it is fully accountable to PAC.

“PAC has the power to compel people to appear. I will be advocating that the committee utilise those powers with the University of Limerick or any other body, if they believe they can kick the can down the road forever.”

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