Sinn Féin TD Pa Daly has welcomed the progression of his case against the government’s appointment of Super Junior Ministers to Cabinet.
He said that the government has increased the cabinet to 19 by the backdoor when the constitution clearly states the cabinet cannot exceed 15, and that there needs to be legal clarity on this matter once and for all.
Judge Gearty today ordered the state to provide Deputy Daly’s legal team with statements of opposition within six weeks, and that it is anticipated that the hearing will be heard in May.
Teachta Daly said:
“The government has increased the cabinet to 19 by the backdoor when the constitution clearly states the cabinet cannot exceed 15.
“It is my view that the government is in breach of the constitution, and there now needs to be legal clarity on this matter once and for all.
“So I welcome that the case has progressed today and that Judge Gearty has ordered the state to provide our legal team with statements of opposition within six weeks.
“I also welcome that the anticipated hearing date will be in May, and that clarity will, at long last, be provided.”