October 23, 2023
Pa Daly TD welcomes completion of Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use

Sinn Féin spokesperson on Justice, Pa Daly TD, has welcomed the completion of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use.

Teachta Daly said:

“Sinn Féin have long campaigned for the creation of a citizen assembly on drug use. We welcome that the work of the Assembly has now been completed, and we are eager to see the full and final report.

“We understand that in total the Citizens’ Assembly has made 36 recommendations. These recommendations alongside the votes of each member have sent a clear message to both the Government and all Oireachtas members that the status quo must change. It is evidently clear that the State needs to take a far more progressive, comprehensive and coherent approach to drugs use in Ireland.

“Sinn Féin has always advocated for the State to reject its current approach and move towards a comprehensive health-led response to drugs, while appropriately resourcing an Gardaí Siochana and the courts to tackle organised criminal gangs and drug related crime.

“We are calling on the government to refer the final report of the Assembly to an Oireachtas Committee without delay.

“The recommendations made by the Assembly will require serious consideration as to how issues relating to drugs are dealt with, by way of legislation, by the criminal justice system and health services and by the community and voluntary organisations who do trojan work across every community providing frontline support and services to those with addiction issues across the State.

“Any reform must do no harm in respect of the vulnerable, who are particularly dependent on public services. It is clear, change is necessary and as legislators, Sinn Féin will work with other Oireachtas groups and independents to legislate for the change that is needed as highlighted through work of the Assembly.”

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