November 10, 2021
Pa Daly TD raises potential solution to Tralee courthouse impasse

Sinn Féin spokesperson for Law Reform, Pa Daly TD has today spoken about a proposed solution to the redevelopment of Tralee courthouse.

Teachta Daly said: 

“After the recent Justice Committee meeting about court and courthouses, at which we heard of the importance of courthouses such as Tralee’s, I undertook to look into solutions for the current impasse with regards the site of a redeveloped courthouse.

“The possibility of a cost effective and practical solution should be explored where the Court Service could acquire a building close by which could host offices and other administrative functions. 

“I understand the building committee of the courts service is meeting on Thursday and will consider this possibility.

“With an internal fit out of both that building and the courthouse, with disability access also provided, we could have a state of the art and fit-for-purpose facility in Ashe Street. 

“Crucially, this would also reduce emissions from extensive building works, preserve the built heritage of the courthouse and keep the court as a focal point of economic life in the town.  

“It would also allow the rear of the Denny Site to be used for imaginative facilities for the community especially younger people. I have a report prepared by an engineer which explores some options to this end.

“The Courts Service are independent in their operation and decisions, but the Minister clearly has a large role to play in these plans. She can help to make this solution happen, for the benefit of Tralee and the people of Kerry.”

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