February 5, 2021
Ormeau Road families should face no further delays in truth campaign – Hargey

Sinn Féin MLA Deirdre Hargey has said the families of those killed in the Sean Graham bookmakers massacre in 1992 should not have to face any further delays in their campaign for truth. 

The South Belfast MLA said: 

“29 years after the massacre of five people at in the Sean Graham bookmakers on the Ormeau Road I send my ongoing solidarity to the families of those killed in their search for truth. 

“The shooting, in which five people, including a 15 year-old boy were killed and nine others wounded, shocked the entire community. 

“Since then the families of those killed have been campaigning for the truth about what happened that day. 

“They have been frustrated by delays. And they now want to see the publication of a Police Ombudsman’s report into the massacre. It should be published and given to the families so they can get a step closer to the truth of what happened. 

“Justice delayed is justice denied and the families, like all those bereaved by the conflict, are entitled to the truth. 

“I will continue to stand by the families in their campaign for truth. 

“All of this further highlights the need for the British government to stop stalling and implement in full the legacy mechanisms of the Stormont House Agreement in a human rights compliant manner.”

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