East Belfast representative Mairead O’Donnell has welcomed news that Belfast City Council’s City Growth and Regeneration Committee is to request Ministerial intervention to relocate the Translink bus depot in Short Strand.
Mairead O’Donnell said:
“I welcome the decision made by Belfast City Councillors at a meeting of City Growth & Regeneration Committee that the Council writes to the Minister for Infrastructure requesting that findings of an alternative site search for the relocation of Short Strand bus depot are given further consideration by Translink.
“This site search and report came as a result of a motion I brought to Council requesting that they, along with DfI, actively pursue an alternative site for the depot that currently sits in Short Strand.
“The council undertook a site search to meet the requirements as defined by Translink. The results have identified no less than 6 alternative sites, all of which are larger than the operational needs of relocating this depot and are still discounted by Translink on their own constraint of “dead mileage”.
“I am deeply concerned that Translink are more focused on their commercial considerations of “dead mileage” than they are on the health and well-being of residents within Short Strand.
”Belfast City Council share my concerns and have made the decision to write to the minister recommending that the Translink position is reviewed.
“Translink have displayed a most negative disregard to the health of this community.
“I will be raising this serious issue directly with the Minister during her upcoming visit to Short Strand.“