Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children, Disability and Equality, Claire Kerrane TD, has described as ‘appalling’ a move by the HSE to contact parents who requested an Assessment of Need for their child seeking that they respond to confirm they wish to continue with the application.
Teachta Kerrane said:
“The HSE has communicated with parents who have applied for an Assessment of Need for their child asking that, if they still want to be on the waiting list, they respond to the HSE to confirm this.
“This is an appalling move by the HSE, and it is laughable that the communication suggests that they are seeking this response from parents ‘in order to progress this application’ as if that means anything.
“Parents are advised that if they do not respond, their application will be closed.
“Similar to what the HSE tried to quietly do previously in terms of their Preliminary Team Assessment, in direct contravention with the law in terms of the 2005 Disability Act, this looks like another stunt to try and reduce the numbers waiting for an Assessment of Need.
“I have written to the Minister seeking that no child be removed from the waiting list for an Assessment of Need.
“The HSE appears to be doing everything but actually dealing with tackling these unacceptable waiting lists.
“Rather than creating ways around the legislation and writing to parents, putting it back on them, the HSE needs to meet their obligations to children. That means doing whatever is necessary to get children their assessments of need.”