April 30, 2021
“No child should be homeless in 2021” – MacManus Welcomes Parliamentary Resolution on Children

“No child should be homeless in 2021” – MacManus Welcomes Parliamentary Resolution on Children

Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus has welcomed the passing of a European Parliament resolution focusing on children. Speaking from Brussels after the announcement of the vote, MacManus said:

“I was delighted to support the European Parliament resolution on children based on the proposal known as the European Child Guarantee. This resolution calls for Member States to eliminate all discrimination in accessing free and quality childcare, education, healthcare, as well as adequate housing.”

The Midlands Northwest MEP called on the Irish government to show empathy and enact tangible change, “Crucially from an Irish perspective, the resolutions attention on homelessness and child homelessness needs to be recognised and acted upon. As has been well documented, the homeless crisis in Ireland affects thousands of children and families. All children deserve a home and this resolution recognises this in its call for Member States to prioritise the provision of permanent housing to homeless children and their families. Hotel rooms or any other temporary accommodation is inexcusable in this day and age”

“It is unacceptable that we would have any homeless children in 2021 and every effort must be made eradicate homelessness and ensure that every child has a secure place to call home.” ENDS

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