€112m proposed for disability in Sinn Féin’s 2022 Alternative Budget for Health – Pauline Tully TD

€112m proposed for disability in Sinn Féin’s 2022 Alternative Budget for Health – Pauline Tully TD

Mairéad Farrell TD calls for clarity on Attorney General and for his interests to be subject to FOI

Mairéad Farrell TD calls for clarity on Attorney General and for his interests to be subject to FOI

Sinn Féin launch petition to give 16 and 17 year-olds the High Street Voucher

Sinn Féin launch petition to give 16 and 17 year-olds the High Street Voucher

O’Neill calls on Tories to scrap ‘cruel and heartless’ Universal Credit cut

O’Neill calls on Tories to scrap ‘cruel and heartless’ Universal Credit cut

Community “shocked and saddened” following Kilcoo road death

Expulsion of UN Officials by Ethiopian Government ‘outrageous’ – John Brady TD

Expulsion of UN Officials by Ethiopian Government ‘outrageous’ – John Brady TD

John Brady TD Challenges Minister Coveney on Failure to Reopen Foreign Birth Registration Application Service

John Brady TD Challenges Minister Coveney on Failure to Reopen Foreign Birth Registration Application Service

Sinn Féin in government will deliver 20,000 public homes per year – Eoin Ó Broin TD

Sinn Féin in government will deliver 20,000 public homes per year – Eoin Ó Broin TD

DUP inaction on north south meetings hampering government business – Hargey

Molann an tAire Gaeltachta leasuithe Shinn Féin ar an mBille Teanga – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Molann an tAire Gaeltachta leasuithe Shinn Féin ar an mBille Teanga – Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD

Further Sláintecare resignation “questions Government commitment to healthcare reform” – David Cullinane TD

Further Sláintecare resignation “questions Government commitment to healthcare reform” – David Cullinane TD

Role of Attorney General in current INM court case must be clarified immediately – Martin Kenny TD

Role of Attorney General in current INM court case must be clarified immediately – Martin Kenny TD

Threats against Health Minister ‘appalling and absolutely disgraceful’ – Gildernew

Threats against Health Minister ‘appalling and absolutely disgraceful’ – Gildernew

Urgent Tralee courthouse assessment required – Pa Daly TD

Urgent Tralee courthouse assessment required – Pa Daly TD

People power can save Navan Hospital services – Johnny Guirke TD and Darren O’Rourke TD

People power can save Navan Hospital services – Johnny Guirke TD and Darren O’Rourke TD