Sinn Féin spokesperson on Children, Disability and Equality, Claire Kerrane TD, has written to the new Minister for Children, Norma Foley, asking her to bring forward the review into the Mother & Baby Institutions Payment Scheme and do right by survivors.
In her letter, Teachta Kerrane said:
“I am writing to you in relation to the above Scheme under your Department. You will be aware of a number of issues highlighted by survivors with this scheme – the most important – thousands of survivors are excluded for reasons that make no sense to me and to them. The main two exclusions are the six-month rule and the exclusion of a number of institutions.
“I understand from my previous engagement with your predecessor Roderic O’Gorman that a review of the scheme must be completed by mid-2026, however, I am asking that this review be brought forward.
“Time is of the essence here. I have met loved ones of survivors who have passed away, who applied for redress under this scheme and passed away before they received it, and by those who are excluded from the Scheme because the Institution they were in is not included in this Scheme. This has been especially painful for those concerned – they experienced the same pain and loss but because of the name on the Institution they have been excluded.
“The exclusion of these institutions is being based on the list of institutions that were investigated by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes. This is flawed as the Commission of Investigation’s report was limited in terms of the number of institutions investigated. This needs to be reviewed urgently.
“I note this is also a call made by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.
“As Minister, you should do the right thing by all survivors rather than putting them in a position where they have to seek justice through the courts. Have we learned nothing?”
Deputy Kerrane’s letter can be read here.