Sinn Féin leader on Dublin City Council, Cllr Daithí Doolan has said the proposed Land Development Agency (LDA) on the Naas Road must deliver real affordable housing.
The proposed development could deliver 1,200 affordable homes on the 3.79 hectare Royal Liver site.
Cllr Doolan said:
“This proposed development has huge potential to deliver badly needed affordable housing for those who need it the most.
“But it can only be done if the economic model funding the development ensures that the homes are really affordable. We do not want this to be all headlines and no substance.
“It is essential that the new Minister for Housing, James Browne TD, steps up to the challenge and puts in place financial support to deliver truly affordable homes to meet the needs of those languishing on Dublin City Council’s housing list or those locked in to the precarious private rental market.
“Equally important is the need to make certain that public transport, services and retail units are central to any development on this site.
“Lessons of the past need to be learnt. Building communities is more than just bricks and mortar. The community must be central to any of these plans.
“I would urge the LDA to engage with the local community in Bluebell to ensure any development compliments and benefits the local exciting plans for this great community.”