Sinn Féin spokesperson on Agriculture Claire Kerrane TD, has said Minister McConalogue must bring forward a solution for the group known as ‘Forgotten Farmers’ in the upcoming Budget this year, stating the issue could not rumble on into 2025.
Responding to the Minister, having raised the issue on the floor of the Dáil during Questions to the Minister once again, Teachta Kerrane said:
“I understand the new CAP was obviously the priority and that it has taken a lot of time and work. I commend the Department on all of that.
“However, given that this issue has been going on for more than a decade, I do not believe that it is an excuse and that we still do not have information on what the proposed scheme will look like.”
Teachta Kerrane went on to insist on proper consultation with farming organisations and the very farmers who need a ‘forgotten farmers’ scheme is key.
“The only question that remains is whether the Minister has an outline of a scheme, including who is going to get the payment, and if he has run it by the farm organisations and some Forgotten Farmers themselves to make sure he gets the scheme right.
“That is very important given the length of time the Forgotten Farmers have waited for the scheme. We cannot afford, after all of this time, to end up with a Scheme that does not reach all of the Farmers who need it.”
Teachta Kerrane concluded by asking whether the Minister will seek funding for the scheme in the next budget. Minister McConalogue confirmed that was his aim.
Teachta Kerrane welcomed this commitment but will continue to hold the Minister to account on this matter and put a solution in place as soon as possible.

June 18, 2024
Minister must bring forward solution for Forgotten Farmers in this year’s Budget – Claire Kerrane TD